Diskuze a otázky - so you want to be anorexic?

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NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:10:29 | příspěvky uživatele | napsat uživateli

So...you think starving is a good way to lose weight, do you? I think you've read too many fairy tales. Well, this isn't one. Neither are eating disorders. They are sheer & total hell. But, since you want one, I'll go ahead & prep you for it. I'll let you know exactly what will happen to you. If this doesn't make you realize how completely stupid running out there & trying to develop anorexia is, then I wish you the best of luck in killing yourself. Because that's all you'll be doing.

The completely ironic part about people trying to lose weight by starving is that half the time it does not work. I bet you think you'll wind up insanely thin & gorgeous, right? Wrong. You won't be gorgeous & you might actually GAIN weight. One thing's for certain though. Insane is a definite part of the package. Your mind won't be yours anymore. Kiss it goodbye, I hope you didn't enjoy it.

The less you eat, the lower your metabolism goes. You might starve & starve & barely lose anything...or you might be extra lucky...you might starve & starve & gain weight. Your body might just shut itself down & the weight go nowhere. & even though you aren't losing, you'll still be hooked. You still won't be able to stop. By the time your body shuts off from malnutrition, you'll be too far in it to *snap* think "Oh...this isn't working...I think I'll eat again." No...you'll be desperate & eat less & less & work out more and more. Eventually, you won't be ABLE to work out. Your muscles will eventually stop cooperating. Then you'll panic & try & eat even less to compensate for not being able to work your ass off (simply a figure of speech, since you're not losing any weight, of course). By then you can't eat lessthough. You're barely eating enough to stay alive as it is. & you can't stop. It isn't working & you still can't stop. & whether its working or not, you won't see the truth. You'll never actually know what you look like. Nope...no matter what you'll think you must weigh at least four hundred pounds. This is true if you weigh 150 or if you weigh 70. You will be fat. Insane is the proper term for it, isn't it? Yes, you might just be one of the lucky ones, one of the ones that doesn't lose weight. But don't sit there & think that means you won't be sick. Not true...not true at all. Your skin & hair will be dry, your teeth sore, your period gone, your bones aching, your muscles cramping...well, no need to go on. You still want this, of course. After all, you won't be like that. You won't be one of the failures. You'll be successful; you'll be thin & perfect. Beautiful.

Well, since you're going to win, why don't I tell you about your prize, hmm?? Its quite nice. You will be skinny. You will be sickly thin. Your ribs will stand out & your hipbones will be sharp. You won't see it. You'll look in the mirror & see fat. You'll see rolls. You'll look at girls who weight fifty pounds more than you & wonder why you can't be as thin as they are. You'll look in the mirror everyday & swear that you've gained at least ten pounds. Other people will see you shrink but you won't get to watch. You'll never see the truth. Others will though. You'll be sickly skinny...but you won't be pretty. & they'll all see that. You won't though...you'll be too busy staring at your ass & wondering when you turned into your fat Aunt Bertha. You will not be attractive. You won't. You'll have huge dark circles. Your skin will be pasty pale & have a lovely gray tint to it. Makeup will NOT help this. It won't, so don't think it will. Don't even bother to attempt it. You'll be wasting your time; time that could be better spent doing your usual pastime, staring into the pantry to watch the food. Of course, people might not notice that you're gray. They could be too busy staring at the dark black, blue, & purple spots you're covered in. Everything you do will result in a bruise. Everything. Do you have pretty hair? You won't anymore. It will be straw dry & dull. It will not shine. Think conditioner will help? It won't. It won't & there's no sense in trying it. It might soften your hair for a while (after you use half the bottle, of course) but it won't make your hair look any better. Buy a ponytail holder. You'll need it. You'll probably be wearing it all the time. You'll also need some hair dye. I sincerely hopeyour hair isn't a nice color....because it won't be soon. Yes...the color of your hair will fade out. You might even get grays. But gray is a nice color, isn't it? I rather like it. I think the grayish brown color where my natural red and blonde highlights used to be adds a bit of...oh...dignity to my look. Speaking of hair, do you like facial hair? I hope so. You'll have it. I have some lovely sideburns. Quite gorgeous. Actually, I have sexy hair everywhere. Fuzz, fuzz, fuzz. Its hot. All the guys love it and all the girls I know ask how to get some. They're jealous, you know. I t


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uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:56:03

> NewDaniela
no byla už třeba změna....!790!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:51:55

> NewDaniela
Hm,to mi rikala i ma doktorka...ale ja ho nechci mit tak rychlej!!!!!!20!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:51:18

A na me fotky radeji nekoukejte......delam si tu prdel z celeho libka.....ale tento dotaz myslim zcela vazne...!5!


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:51:00 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Butt-head-VHL...jo...mas rychlej metabolismus...tve telo spaluje bleskove kalorie....!1276!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:47:58


uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:47:22

A nevite treba co je mi???Mam 30 kilo i s botama a at sezeru,co sežeru,tak porad ne a ne pribrat.....fakt.....si muzu dat na snidani treba mamuta,na obed dva mamuty a k veceri medveda a stejne nepriberu.....manm nejtenci ruce a hnaty na zemekouli,porad se jenom cpu a nepriberu ani kilo.....!20!


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:45:57 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

lemounek...Jeee...Francie!1423!Vzali te jo.....To zni skvele.....Jak te tak znam,tak ty se neztratis!972!


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:44:19 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

no kdybych to zhrnula tak Anorexie= bolave kosti,zuby,cele telo chore....anemie(chudokrevnost)..nezdrave vypadajici plet a vlasy,kruhy pod ocima a plat popelave barvy,ztrata menstruace,skarede vypadajici nehty,ztrata svalu,samozrejme deprese a anxiety,naruseni tlukotu srdce...atd,atd...Mentální anorexie zabíjí pomalu, ale jistě!1314!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:43:16

> lemounek
Já Ti držím palce, abys měla děti, abys byla šťastná a spokojená. Neznám Tě, ale zasloužíš si to

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:42:39

I think English is international language and its not aloved to use it. In my opinien its much much bette. I have met lots of forigners here and English could be good langouade which can solve problem with language differences

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:40:21

Jo no.....!969!!451!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:39:26

> NewDaniela
teď jsem v čr a celé dny dřepím nad učením, za týden mám státnice z dějin umění a tak víc jak polovinu jsem vůbec neměla díky Norsku a tak se snažím sehnat materiály...marně
a pak pojedu na měsíc do Francie, vzali mě na letní filmovou školu


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:38:44 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

lemounek...koukam taky nova fotka...a moc pekna...!1276!


Miky444 | 16. 05. 2009, 23:38:44 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

asi potřebuju gůgl překladač !1421!!237!


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:37:53 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

lydia248..pokud neumis anglicky tak sem nelez a nevyjadruj se...stejne jak kdybys nevedela nic o tom co to je treba reggaeton,taky by ses k tomu nevyjadrovala....Nahodou dost cechu umi dobre anglicky a je fajn si procvicit mozek takhle v sobotu!735!


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:35:42 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

lemounek...dikas.....jak se vede v cr?...A nebo jsi zase roztahla kridla a vyletela do cizich krajin?!972!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:34:37

> lydia248
a kdyby to bylo česky, četla bys to?!1250!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:28:30

jojo, doplnila bych, že začne mít holka problémy se spánkem, já prostě spala tak 4 hodiny denně, nešlo to spát déle a když jsem ležela víc jak deset minut ve stejné poloze, měla jsem hned modřiny, na kolenou, na zadku, na rukách, všude.....taky se začnou ničit zuby, prostě jsem seděla a najednou mi odpadl kus zubu, prostě se rozpadl jak kostka cukru......

a i když už by do mě nikdo neřekl, že jsem kdy měla anorexii, budu už navždy nemocná, zřejmě už nebudu mít nikdy děti, mám nemocná játra, žaludek a ledviny, problémy s tlakem a celkově s metabolismem, přiberu po čemkoliv.....a pozor, už na vždy vás bude pronásledovat ta mánie, budete pořád myslet na to, co jíte, jak co to obsahuje, budete se pořád nenávidět a sledovat, jak vypadáte a to je možná horší, než celkový zdravotní potíže...ten démon, co vás bude pořát hlodat v hlavě


SSBN | 16. 05. 2009, 23:22:45 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> NewDaniela o váze to tu bylo furt, o cikánech to je pravda - je to reakce na to, že opustili své ghetto Cikáni na chatu a objevují se na diskusích


lydia248 | 16. 05. 2009, 23:21:11 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> NewDaniela
Je to dost trapný protože seš na český stránce tak je celkem na hovno tady psát nějaký anglický romány a nikdo tady anglicky umět nemusí když sme v Česku di si mchrovat do tý svý Ameriky, nechápu komu to tady cpeš!121!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:20:52

wow nové foto!1189!pěkné


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:19:08 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

SSBN...ne ...ale posledni dobou se tu furt keca o vaze a o ciganech....!663!!1195!


NewDaniela | 16. 05. 2009, 23:18:20 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

lydia248...kolikrat me jeste nazves trapnou a clanek je trapny....bla,bla,bla....sem neloz kdyz neumis anglicky do cestiny se mi to nechce prekladat....tahni na jinou diskuzy!663!!721!


SSBN | 16. 05. 2009, 23:17:53 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> NewDaniela poslední dobou? Ty jsi byla posledních 5 let v hybernaci?

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:17:14

tssssssss naak chitraa ne ,?hahahhhahahaaha trochu trapny nevytahujse ahahahaa

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:16:58

I don´t like a fat_I am a FAT*!657!


lydia248 | 16. 05. 2009, 23:16:25 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> NewDaniela
a proč to jako máš celý anglicky myslíš že si to někde přečte takhle už vůbec ne je to spíš trapný


M.A.R.K.Y.1 | 16. 05. 2009, 23:16:07 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Jinak v pOhO !499!

uživatel eliminován | 16. 05. 2009, 23:15:26

They can not to .. It is a disease .. in part to known


bagr46 | 16. 05. 2009, 23:14:59 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

napiš to česky a možná si to přečtu !5!

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