Diskuze a otázky - osmihrany ctverec

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uživatel eliminován | 30. 01. 2008, 12:28:49 |

tak co kdo se ted trapi ve skole stejne jako ja a lada?:D...ma nick leco...!931!


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uživatel eliminován | 30. 01. 2008, 12:59:58

"So think about the poor slave who could read, but was scared to teach their kids to read for fear they would be killing their kids. Think about the poor slave that rode to town every week. Think about the poor slave who rode the buggy to town every week. Riding the buggy...riding the buggy, And he could read, and is riding the buggy and he's riding the buggy. And up ahead he sees a busy intersection, and is riding the buggy and he's riding the buggy. Then he sees a STOP sign, ----------. Now he's in a big dilemma. "If I go through this intersection I'm a have a accident, If I stop, these crackers will kill me." And he's riding the buggy and in the last minute he says 'fuck it' goes through the intersection has a big ol' accident. Almost kills somebody. Then the police come; "Nigga what is wrong with you, Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you. You could have killed somebody Nigga. Didn't see that stop sign?" "Oh I don't know what you talking 'bout." "You didn't see that stop sign, that stop sign back there?" "Oh you mean that OCTAGON thing." "Nigga who taught you octagon?"" (Chris Rock, Never Scared (HBO, 2004)) http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Chris_Rock


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