Diskuze a otázky - Filosofie

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PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:32:41 | příspěvky uživatele | napsat uživateli

Co si myslíte, že filosofie je?
K čemu je dobrá?
Je dobré se ji učit?
Kdo z filosofů je Vám výroky nejbližší?


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uživatel eliminován | 20. 12. 2016, 16:18:56

Neni dobre se ji ucit....je to k nicemu, vim z vlastni zkusenosti....nicmene jeji metodika, respektive samo premysleni, co proc, jak a tak....povazuju za veledulezity proces vedouci k poznani....poznani sveho okoli, sveho zivota a sebe samych....

uživatel eliminován | 20. 12. 2016, 12:23:12

„Filozofii, právnictví, medicínu a bohužel – v domnění, že víc ví – i teologii jsem do úpadu dřel. Vyškolil jsem se na blázna, který to nic, co neznal, zná! … sám vidím, že chtít něco vědět je marné!"


Amethos | 18. 12. 2016, 23:49:00 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Filosofie jako prostředek k přiblížení se pravdy, jak nejvíc je v lidských silách možné.. a k tomu a proto je dobrá :)
Filosofy moc neznám, tak nevím


3003 | 18. 12. 2013, 18:34:46 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Zajímavé že všechny náboženství, někteří filosofové, filmy a dokonce i věda mluví o tom že tento svět vlastně není nebo nemusí být skutečný.




3003 | 17. 12. 2013, 21:44:13 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Socrates was about to die. The final moments were approaching; the poison was being ground to kill
him. He kept asking, "It is getting late, how long will it take to grind the poison?"
His friends were crying and saying to him, "Are you crazy? We want you to live a little longer. We have
bribed the person who is grinding the poison; we have persuaded him to go slowly."
Socrates went out and said to the man who was grinding the poison, "You are taking too long. It seems
you are not very skilled. Are you very new to this? Have you never ground it before? Have you never
given poison to a condemned person?"
The man replied, "I have been giving poison my whole life, but I have never seen a crazy man like you
before. Why are you in so much of a hurry? I am grinding it slowly so that you may breathe a little more,
live a little longer, remain in life a little more. You keep talking like a crazy man, saying it is getting late.
Why are you in such a hurry to die?"
Socrates said, "I am in a great hurry because I want to see death. I want to see what death is like. And I
also want to see, even when death has happened, whether I survive or not. If I don't survive, then the
whole affair is finished -- and if I do survive, then death is finished. In fact, I want to see who will die with
death -- will death die or will I die? I want to see whether death will survive or whether I will survive. But
how can I see this unless I am alive?"
Socrates was given the poison. His friends began to mourn; they were not in their right senses. And what
was Socrates doing? He was telling them, "The poison has reached up to my knees. Up to the knees my
legs are totally dead -- I will not even know if you cut them off. But my friends, let me tell you, even
though my legs are dead, I am still alive. This means one thing is certain -- I was not my legs. I am still
here, I am totally here. Nothing within me has faded yet." Socrates continued, "Now both my legs are
gone; up to my thighs everything is finished. I wouldn't feel anything if you cut me right up to the thighs.
But I am still here! And here are my friends who go on crying!"
Socrates is saying, "Don't cry. Watch! Here is an opportunity for you: a man is dying and informing you
that he is still alive. You may cut off my legs entirely -- even then I won't be dead, even then I will still
remain. My hands are also drifting away; my hands will die too. Ah! How many times I identified myself
with these hands -- the same hands that are leaving now -- but I am still here."
And, like this, Socrates continues talking while dying. He says, "Slowly, everything is becoming peaceful,
everything is sinking, but I am still intact. After a while I may not be able to inform you, but don't let that
make you think I am no more. Because, if I am still here, even after losing so much of my body, how then
would an end come to me if a little more of the body is lost? I may not be able to inform you -- because
that is only possible through the body -- but still I will remain." And at the very last moment he says,
"Now, perhaps I am telling you the final thing: my tongue is failing. I won't be able to speak a single
word further, but still I am saying, 'I exist'." Until the final moment of death he kept saying, "I am still


Raskoln1kov | 17. 12. 2013, 21:42:35 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

FILEIN=MILOVAT a z SOFIA=označuje vědění jak žít, jak obstát tomuto světu= MOUDROST.


3003 | 17. 12. 2013, 21:39:13 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Zajímavé že všechny náboženství, někteří filosofové, filmy a dokonce i věda mluví o tom že tento svět vlastně není nebo nemusí být skutečný.



uživatel eliminován | 28. 10. 2013, 09:16:12

já nevím, já si z filosofie nepamatuju nic, ale prý je to láska k moudrosti ze slov filein a sofia.

uživatel eliminován | 28. 10. 2013, 09:09:12

Určitě je dobré se se základy filozofie seznámit - člověk si tak ušetří spoustu práce s přemýšlením o věcech, které už byly dávno objevené...navíc je to i docela zajímavé...a také v rámci toho pochopí, že dnes už je to vlastně mrtvá věc...


3003 | 26. 10. 2013, 19:18:17 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Socrates was about to die. The final moments were approaching; the poison was being ground to kill
him. He kept asking, "It is getting late, how long will it take to grind the poison?"
His friends were crying and saying to him, "Are you crazy? We want you to live a little longer. We have
bribed the person who is grinding the poison; we have persuaded him to go slowly."
Socrates went out and said to the man who was grinding the poison, "You are taking too long. It seems
you are not very skilled. Are you very new to this? Have you never ground it before? Have you never
given poison to a condemned person?"
The man replied, "I have been giving poison my whole life, but I have never seen a crazy man like you
before. Why are you in so much of a hurry? I am grinding it slowly so that you may breathe a little more,
live a little longer, remain in life a little more. You keep talking like a crazy man, saying it is getting late.
Why are you in such a hurry to die?"
Socrates said, "I am in a great hurry because I want to see death. I want to see what death is like. And I
also want to see, even when death has happened, whether I survive or not. If I don't survive, then the
whole affair is finished -- and if I do survive, then death is finished. In fact, I want to see who will die with
death -- will death die or will I die? I want to see whether death will survive or whether I will survive. But
how can I see this unless I am alive?"
Socrates was given the poison. His friends began to mourn; they were not in their right senses. And what
was Socrates doing? He was telling them, "The poison has reached up to my knees. Up to the knees my
legs are totally dead -- I will not even know if you cut them off. But my friends, let me tell you, even
though my legs are dead, I am still alive. This means one thing is certain -- I was not my legs. I am still
here, I am totally here. Nothing within me has faded yet." Socrates continued, "Now both my legs are
gone; up to my thighs everything is finished. I wouldn't feel anything if you cut me right up to the thighs.
But I am still here! And here are my friends who go on crying!"
Socrates is saying, "Don't cry. Watch! Here is an opportunity for you: a man is dying and informing you
that he is still alive. You may cut off my legs entirely -- even then I won't be dead, even then I will still
remain. My hands are also drifting away; my hands will die too. Ah! How many times I identified myself
with these hands -- the same hands that are leaving now -- but I am still here."
And, like this, Socrates continues talking while dying. He says, "Slowly, everything is becoming peaceful,
everything is sinking, but I am still intact. After a while I may not be able to inform you, but don't let that
make you think I am no more. Because, if I am still here, even after losing so much of my body, how then
would an end come to me if a little more of the body is lost? I may not be able to inform you -- because
that is only possible through the body -- but still I will remain." And at the very last moment he says,
"Now, perhaps I am telling you the final thing: my tongue is failing. I won't be able to speak a single
word further, but still I am saying, 'I exist'." Until the final moment of death he kept saying, "I am still

uživatel eliminován | 22. 04. 2010, 19:05:43

> PurpleStars
Říkal jsem, že se o to snažím. Ne, že to vždy vyjde. :-D


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:59:49 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> thevalheru
silnější přežije, to je ve všech oborech...

uživatel eliminován | 22. 04. 2010, 18:58:55

> thevalheru
vetsinou se v pohode uzivi. jen se nebude zabyvat zrovna filosofii. ale tak je to u spousty humanitnich oboru


thevalheru | 22. 04. 2010, 18:58:14 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

je dobry, kdyz uz se nekdo rozhodne se ji ucit jako hlavnimu oboru, si pak nestezovat, ze se neuzivi

uživatel eliminován | 22. 04. 2010, 18:56:40

ale ona nic takovyho prece nerika.. i filosofe ti muze zmenit nazor. proste ti nekterej argument pripadne padnejsi a je to


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:56:23 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

filosofie slouží k pochopení a rozvíjení toho co v tobě je

uživatel eliminován | 22. 04. 2010, 18:55:10

jinak ja bych ji asi studovat nechtel, uz kvuli tomu, jak komplikovane dokazou filosofove vsechno popsat: "clovek vnima tvary okolniho dveta pohledem" rozepsany na 2 stranky filosoficky hatmatilky? ne diky!2!


SSBN | 22. 04. 2010, 18:54:29 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> PurpleStars takže filosofie slouží jen k utvrzení toho, co už ve mně je? Neslouží k rozšíření poznání? K uvědomění si, že moje dosavadní přesvědčení je mylné?


uživatel eliminován | 22. 04. 2010, 18:54:27

tak aby tu spon jeden nazor byl: imho filosofie je zkoumani principu fungovani sveta.. ten, co se k ni dostane ty vedomosti urcite oceni. jestli ma cenu ji studvat? urcite jo, ale pro vetsinu lidi, co ji studuji ude v konecnym dlusledku k nicemu, krom toho, ze dokaze pochopit slozity texty (ikdz ja se svym oborem mam to stejny)
nevim, moc se o ni nezajimam, sartre se mi libil, ale byl to jeden z mala filosofu, co se mi dostal do ruky


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:52:03 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

podle toho co je ti nejbližší, s čím se nejvíc slučuješ..


SSBN | 22. 04. 2010, 18:50:06 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> PurpleStars jenže musíš si vybrat směr, kterým budeš interpetovat svůj život. Jak ho ale vybrat?


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:48:21 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

v čem? filosofie tě nenutí k volbě, ale k možnosti nazýrání na jiné věci..

uživatel eliminován | 22. 04. 2010, 18:48:31

Pochybovat o všem..ovšem do určité míry..


SSBN | 22. 04. 2010, 18:47:05 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> PurpleStars jenže která z nich je pravá, když všechny jsou uvěřitelným obrazem reality? Jak z nich vybrat? To přece člověka mate


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:47:32 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

všimli jste si návštěv a komentářů? Nikdo neví co k tomu říct, nevědí co to je, za několik let si budou všichni mít "jen svůj názor"


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:46:24 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> -Smigl-
je fakt, že já zrovna tydle počátky filosofie nemusim a moc to tam nedávám, spíš pozdější - od empirismu atd..


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:45:26 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> Velvety-Dark_Angel
kolik oprocent z těch "vlastních názorů" je fakt vlastních?


-Smigl- | 22. 04. 2010, 18:45:06 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Moudří lidé mluví, protože mají co říci; hlupáci mluví, aby něco řekli. Platon ;-)


PurpleStars | 22. 04. 2010, 18:43:59 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

> DeathCoil
a nebo taky "jest"

uživatel eliminován | 22. 04. 2010, 18:44:07

> Velvety-Dark_Ange
a neni lepsi si svuj nazor oprit o neco, co uz tady existuje, nez vymyslet vsechno od piky?

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