Diskuze a otázky - Enviroment by Marek Siwy..

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uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:31:58 |

The year 2050 comes up with a large amount of challenges to the ecology. As a result of man’s activity the ecology of the earth is already in danger along with its inhabitants. Some of the biggest ecological problems are - the rapidly growing green house effect, the rising of sea level, ozone depletion, floods, draughts, acid rain, depletion of ground water, decrease in fish population, genocide of animal species, increasing radio active substances in the food chain, depletion of fuels, existence of highly mutated virus as a result of genetic manipulation and increasing amount of noxious fumes in the atmosphere are a few to name. But the three major threats to the ecology are – a) ‘Greenhouse effect’ b) ‘Ozone depletion’ and c) ‘Radiation damage and mutation’. (“The Biology of Earth in 2050”, 1998)

The ‘Green house effect’ plays a vital role in sustaining life on earth. Without the greenhouse effect the earth would just freeze and life on earth would be impossible. The greenhouse effect traps the solar heat and binds it with carbon dioxide so that it doesn’t escape the earth’s atmosphere. After the industrial revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere by 30%, in 2050. This results in the increase of earth’s median temperature by 4 degree Celsius and rising of sea level. A few places that are threatened of submerging under the sea are- major part of Florida, parts of Africa, Central Europe and Indian coast. It was already found that 30% of the Pacific Islands were heading for massive submergence as a result of the rapidly growing industrial activity. (“The Biology of Earth in 2050”, 1998)
A drastic change in the rising sea level has caused an alarming effect. Yet another cause for the rising greenhouse effect is the cutting down of forests. The forests are the major consumers of carbon dioxide and cutting down of these forests increase the emission of more gases in the atmosphere. The eventual depletion of fossil fuel is also forcing people to think of alternate energy. The sea water temperature is also rising which is resulting in the melting of ice caps in the polar region. This in turn raises the sea level. The year 2050 also sees a 1.5 meter rise in the sea water level. There’s been an increase of 10% rain due to global warming. It’s creating havoc in the worse flood hit areas in 1990. The effect of black and wet winter is more than that of the white winter. More of virus and diseases are spearing at an alarming rate. Pests are becoming more resistant and hence it results in the use of powerful pesticides. (“The Biology of Earth in 2050”, 1998)
Ozone depletion is creating threats to animal life and plant life. The depletion has resulted in the increase of cancer, decrease in fish population, plankton depletion, etc. The ozone helps to prevent the UV radiation entering the earth’s atmosphere. The exposure to UV radiation causes cancer especially, melanoma in furless animals. The depletion of plankton is affecting the food chain and it’s decreasing the fish population around the globe. The major factors responsible for ozone depletion are Freon and additional ozone consuming gases. These gases consume the ozone layer rather than depleting themselves. Other gases also delete the layer over the next 100 years. By 2020, though most countries took the problem of ozone depletion and convinced to ban Freon and other harmful chemicals, no proper ban has worked yet. Freon is widely used in explosives and in the refrigeration industry. (“The Biology of Earth in 2050”, 1998)
Radiation damage and mutation is yet another challenge that persists in the ecology. Due to human carelessness and irresponsibility, the natural behavior of certain animals and plants has changed in nature. As a result of the dumping of large amount of radio active warfare substances in the Pacific region, the fish population in the Borneo region in the Pacific has changed. No one can predict how the radios active substances can bring about changes in the life of animals of plants. One of the major disasters which occurred was near the Atlantic coast of North America. The humpback whales had fins as large as their body and feed on plankton. Lately it’s developed teeth as similar to the great white shark and that too five times larger than the shark tooth. Normally these whales grow up to 12 meters but here they have grown up to 15 meters. These whales have unusually become large and more aggressive. As a result of radio activation, some plants that were common has disappeared itself from the earth. A major question on the reproductive system still prevails as these plants might have started growing in regions where normally do not exist. This in turn can create major agricultural problems in certain areas. (“The Biology of Earth in 2050”, 1998)
The face of the earth itself would have changed from what it was, in 2050. Droughts, floods and natural calamities would be an often threat than the yester years. The Amazon rain forest would be a desert as a result of the drastic climate change which occurred because of an unstoppable green house effect. The climatic conditions are believed to be extreme, especially the heat and the temperature rise. Records claim that the temperatures have risen beyond the recorded heat of 1998. It is believed that the land temperature will go beyond 6 degree Celsius. The people affected by flood in the coastal region will be 100 million from 5 million each year. 30 million people will starve in large parts of Africa as a result of drought. 170 million people will need to survive in countries with water shortages. More people are affected with malaria, one of the deadliest diseases on earth, including European region. There are great changes in the ocean current which actually control the climate. (Brown, 1998)
The Gulf Stream which helps in warming the British winter wouldn’t be of much help as it will be 20% less strong from what it was. There would be a drastic rise in the sea level by 21 cm and the coastal regions of west and east Africa, southern Mediterranean, Egypt and South East Asia will the most suffering. The food supply in America and Africa would suffer badly as there will be a major reduction in the production of staple crops as a result of climatic changes. (Brown, 1998) There are studies that have claimed that 95% of corals of the Great Barrier Reef would be lost in this year of 2050, as a result of extreme global warming and rising sea water temperature. And it also states since the sea water temperature wouldn’t come down and continue to raise all the living corals would disappear within the next few years. The Great Barrier Reef was supposedly consisting of more than 3000 reefs which varied in size and spread over 1000 hectares over the north eastern coast of Australia. (“Less Coral on The Great Barrier Reef in the Future”, 2007)
Studies have also claimed that the Nordic temperature would be 2.5 degree more than normal temperature and this could bring varying difference in the climate. There would be severe changes in the Siberian region as it gets warmer towards the east and weaker towards the western Atlantic region. The economy also suffers as a result of this global warming and green house effect. The agricultural areas are widely affected and this turn affects the crop production. Because of the decrease in food production and crop production the economy countries get affected. (Mattsson; Rummukainen, 2000)
The greenhouse effect and the global warming are terms simultaneously used. The emission of Chloro Fluoro carbons into the atmosphere increases the global warming and creates hole in the ozone layer which protects the earth from the UV radiation. The usage of more carbon based fuels helps in global warming. (Kosman, 2007) A few things if taken care properly can minimize the greenhouse effect and global warming. The use of compact fluorescent bulbs instead of the incandescent light bulbs can cut the production of carbon dioxide. Using energy efficient home appliances can also be useful. Cutting down the use of sports utility vehicles can bring down global warming. Using of more renewable resources. A car need only a 2 minute warm up not more that that. By doing this you can help in reducing the global warming. Insulating a cover around the water heater can be a good idea. Using cloth bags also helps as the use of paper bags reduce the risk of cutting of trees. Use of a public transport can also help in reducing global warming as it reduces the emission of gases and reduces of use of fuels. (“Global Warming: What Can We Do?”, n. d.) The greenhouse effect and the global warming are terms simultaneously used. The emission of Chloro Fluoro carbons into the atmosphere increases the global warming and creates hole in the ozone layer which protects the earth from the UV radiation. The usage of more carbon based fuels helps in global warming. (Kosman, 2007)

The year 2050 sees many drastic climatic changes around the globe. The few major factors that challenge the survival of animals and plants around the globe are greenhouse effect, ozone depletion and global warming. The greenhouse effects increase the emission of carbon based gases into the air which results in the global warming. As a result of this global warming major change occur in the climatic conditions around the world. The sea level rises as a result of the sea water temperature rising. This causes massive floods. As a result of the global warming a major challenge is set for the agricultural sectors. Frequent floods and droughts damage the crop production in many countries affecting the economy of the country. The varying climatic conditions are also affecting the crop production. As a result of greenhouse effect it causes depletion in the fossil fuel. The ice caps in the polar region are melting because of the global warming and it turn is rising the sea water level. Because of this problem certain coastal regions are under threat of submerging under water. It is also believed that some of the nature’s finest destination will lose its beauty over years as a result of the global warming and greenhouse effect.
Many species of plants and animals are already extinct because of this problem. The depletion of ozone layer is increasing the risk of cancer and other diseases due to UV exposure. Radiation and mutation is yet another challenge that needs to be dealt with. It’s also affecting the environment throughout the globe. The normal behaviors of plants and animals are varying due radiation and occurrence of mutation. This in fact is affecting the food chain as well the life of various animals and plants. There need to be precautionary measures to reduce the global warming and the greenhouse effect. People should be made aware of the harmful effects of global warming and greenhouse effect. The use of more renewable resources should be promoted rather than depending on the fossil fuels. Cutting down on energy would help reduce global warming. A proper check on the emission of cholro fluoro carbons need to be there so that there wouldn’t be further ozone depletion. Cutting of forests should be reduced so that global warming can be controlled. There need to be a united effort to curb this problem of global warming and green house effect so that a safer and greener environment persists.



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uživatel eliminován | 15. 06. 2008, 18:43:52

ty krasooo !2! to ucitelka pozna kdyz ji tam todle prinesu :D:D....

uživatel eliminován | 19. 12. 2007, 17:58:07

To by šlo.

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:45:44

nejviic:ouuu....you re so rough boy..........next one pleas!2!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:45:21

pozná!967! toe naky moc dobrý na mě!967!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:43:54

burton - why r u telling me that?i dont really give a fuck

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:43:49

mishaanek:si to slohni...tady Marek ma talent na texty!2!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:43:02

misshanek - tak si posluz,zrejme to ta ucitleka nepozna!811!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:40:57

!967!jůů o tom mame ted psat esej doajiny...!967!!1050!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:40:15

Marek: I m lazy sometimes.....and for somebody!2!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:39:42

I dont like lazy people

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:39:24

Zbytečně histerický...!1!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:38:58

marek........I m lazy!5!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:36:47

Don t u agree?

uživatel eliminován | 13. 12. 2007, 17:36:38

Prehnane dlouhy!953!!828!!819!!799!!767!!635!


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