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uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:13:14 |

Zase se mě jedna holka ptala, co to je LOL a ROFL...

tak vám to tady sepíšu !1187!

2L8 - Too Late

AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
AFAIAA - As Far As I Am Aware
AFAIC - As Far As I am Concerned
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFAIR - As Far As I Remember
AFJ - April Fool's Joke
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AIMB - As I Mentioned Before
AISI - As I See It
AIUI - As I Understand It
AKA - Also Known As
AMBW - All My Best Wishes
ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different
APOL - Alternate Person On Line
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATFSM - Ask The Friendly System Manager
ATM - At The Moment
ATST - At The Same Time
ATT - At This Time
AWA - A While Ago
AWB - A While Back
AWGTHTGTTA - Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
AWHFY - Are We Having Fun Yet?
AYOR - At Your Own Risc
AYST - Are You Still There?

B4 - Before
B4N - Bye For Now
BAK - Back At Keyboard
BBL - Be Back Later
BBR - Burnt Beyond Recognition
BCNU - Be Seeing You
BFBI - Brute Force and Bloody Ignorance
BFI - Brute Force and Ignorance
BFMI - Brute Force and Massive Ignorance
BFN - Bye For Now
BG - Big Grin
BHOF - Bald Headed Old Fart
BION - Believe It Or Not
BITD - Back In The Day
BM - Byte Me
BNF - Big Name Fan
BNFSCD - But Now For Something Completely Different
BOF - Birds Of a Feather
BOFS - Birds Of a Feather Session
BOT - Back On Topic
BRB - Be Right Back
BSF - But Seriously Folks
BTA - But Then Again
BTAIM - Be That As It May
BTC - Biting The Carpet
BTDT - Been There Done That
BTHOM - Beats The Hell Outta Me
BTIC - But Then, I'am Crazy
BTK - Back To Keyboard
BTSOOM - Beats The Shit Out Of Me
BTW - By The Way
BYKT - But You Knew That

CMH - Cross My Heart
CMIIW - Correct Me If I'm Wrong
CU - See You
CU2 - See You, Too
CUL - See You Later
CYA - Cover Your Ass
CYL - See You Later

D+C - Duck + Cover
DHRVVF - Ducking, Hiding and Running Very Very Fast
DILLIGAS - Do I Look Like I Give A Shit
DIY - Do It Yourself
DLTM - Don't Lie To Me
DSH - Desparately Seeking Help
DUCWIC - Do You See What I See
DWIM - Do What I Mean
DWISNWID - Do What I Say Not What I Do
DYHWIH - Do You Hear What I Hear

E2EG - Ear To Ear Grin
EG - Evil Grin
EMFBI - Excuse Me For Butting In
EOD - End Of Discussion
ESOSL - Endless Snorts Of Stupid Laughter
ETOL - Evil Twin On Line

F2F - Face to Face
FA - For Auction
FAFWOA - For A Friend Without Access
FB - Fine Business
FCFS - First Come First Served
FHS - For Heaven's Sake
FIAWOL - Fandom Is A Way Of Life
FISH - First In, Still Here
FITB - Fill In The Blank
FITNR - Fixed In The Next Release
FOAF - Friend Of A Friend
FTASB - Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
FTL - Faster Than Light
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition
FUBB - Fouled Up Beyond Belief
FUD - (spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYA - For Your Amusement

GA - Go Ahead
GAFIA - Get Away From It All
GAL - Get A Life
GDR - Grinning, Ducking and Running
GDRVVF - Grinning, Ducking and Running Very, Very Fast
GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage/Gospel Out
GIWIST - Gee I Wish I'd Said That
GOK - God Only Knows
GR+D - Grinning, Running + Ducking

HAK - Hugs And Kisses
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HHOK - Ha Ha Only Kidding
HHOS - Ha Ha Only Serious
HSIK - How Should I Know
HTH - Hope This/That Helps

IAC - In Any Case
IAE - In Any Event
IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer
IBC - Inadequate But Cute
IBTD - I Beg To Differ
IC - I See
IC - In Characters
ICOCBW - I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong
IDC - I Don't Care
IDST - I Didn't Say That
IDTS - I Don't Think So
IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
IITYWYBMAD - If I Tell You Will You Buy Me Another Drink?
IIWM - If It Were Me/Mine
IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion
IMCO - In My Considered Opinion
IME - In My Experience
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMI - I Mean It
IMNSCO - In My Not So Considered Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IMOBO - In My Own Biased Opinion
INPO - In No Particular Order
IOW - In Other Words
IRAS - I Really Am Sorry
IRL - In Real Life
ISBT - It's Strange But True
ISTM - It Seems To Me
ISTR - I Seem To Remember
IUTY - It's Up To You
IWBNI - It Would Be Nice If
IYSWIM - If You See What I Mean
ISWYM - I See What You Mean

JAM - Just A Minute
JAUA - Just Another Useless Answer
JIC - Just In Case
JJ - Just Joking
JSNM - Just Stark Naked Magic

KIBO - Knowledge In, Bullshit Out
KWIM - Know What I Mean?

LLTA - Lots and Lots of Thundering Applause
LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
LMDO - Laughing My Diaper Off
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LOL - Lots Of Luck
LTNS - Long Time No See

MDA - Merci d'avance
MHOTY - My Hat's Off To You
MNRE - Manual Not Read Error
MOTAS - Member Of The Appropriate Sex
MTFBWY - May The Force Be With You
MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

NBD - No Big Deal
NCNCNC - No Coffee, No Chocolate, No Computer
NFI - No Frigging Idea
NFW - No Fucking Way
NIMBY - Not In My Backyard
NLA - Not Long Ago
NLMB - Nolifemuddinbastard
NN - Nightmare Networker
NRN - No Reply Necessary
NTTAWWT - Not That There's Anything Wrong With That

OAO - Over And Out
OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject
OAUS - On An Unrelated Subject
OBTW - Oh, By The Way
OBO - Or Best Offer
OFAB - Old Fart At Play
OIC - Oh, I See
ONNA - Oh No, Not Again
ONNTA - Oh No, Not This Again
OOC - Out Of Characters
OOP - Out Of Print
OOTB - Out Of The Box
OOTC - Obligatory On-Topic Comment
OT - Off Topic
OTL - Out To Lunch
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTTH - On The Third Hand

PDQ - Pretty Darned Quick
PFM - Pure Fantastic Magic
PITA - Pine In The Ass
PMETC - Pardon Me, etc.
PMFJIB - Pardon Me For Jumping In But
POV - Point Of View
PTO - Please Turn Over

RAEBNC - Read And Enjoyed, But No Comment
RL - Real Life
ROFBTC - Rolling On the Floor Biting The Carpet
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ROFLASTC - Rolling On the Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat
ROFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RSN - Real Soon Now
RTFAQ - Read The FAQ
RTFB - Read The Funny Binary
RTFF - Read The Fantastic FAQ
RTFM - Read The Fine/Fantastic/Funny/Fucking ... Manual
RTFS - Read The Funny Source
RTM - Read The Manual
RTWFQ - Read The Whole Fantastic Question
RUOK - Are You Ok
RYS - Read Your Screen

SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist
SEP - Somebody Else's Problem
SFMJI - Sorry For My Jumping In
SIASL - Stranger In A Strange Land
SIMCA - Sitting In My Chair Amused
SITD - Still In The Dark
SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fed/Fucked Up

TABYAS - Thinking All But You Are Stupid
TAFN - That's All For Now
TANJ - There Ain't No Justice
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Things As A Free Lunch
TARFU - Things Are Really Fouled Up
TBH - To Be Honest
TFTT - Thanks For The Thought
TGAL - Think Globally, Act Locally
TGIF - Thank God It's Friday
THWLAIAS - The Hour Was Late, And I Am Senile
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TIC - Tongue In Cheek
TINAR - This Is Not A Recommendation/Review
TINWIS - That Is Not What I Said
TMTOWTDI - There's More Than One Way To Do It
TNX - Thanks
TOJ - Tears Of Joy
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TRDMC - Tears Running Down My Cheeks
TSOHF - Total Sense Of Humour Failure
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
TTT - That's The Truth
TTYL - Type/Talk To You Later
TWIU - That's What I Understand/Understood
TYCLO - Turn Your Caps Lock Off
TYVM - Thank You Very Much

UDP - Usenet Death Penalty
UL - Urban Legend
UTSL - Use The Source, Luke

VBG - Very Big Grin
VL - Virtual Life

WAB - What Another Bill
WAMKSAM - Why Are My Kids Staring At Me?
WB - Welcome Back
WDYMBT - What Do You Mean By That
WDYS - What Did You Say
WHAK - With Hugs And Kisses
WIBNI - Would It Be Nice If
WMRS - Write Me Real Soon
WOMBAT - Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time
WRT - With Regard/Respect To
WT - Without Thinking
WTB - Wanted To Buy
WTH - What The Heck/Hell
WTT - Wanted To Trade
WTTM - Without Thinking Too Much
WTTF - Want To Test First
WYS - Whatever You Say

YKWIS - You Know What I'm Saying
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
YTTT - You Telling The Truth


V diskuzi je 71 příspěvků a shlédlo ji 1964 uživatelů .

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Pro přidání komentáře musíš být přihlášen(a).

uživatel eliminován | 13. 04. 2007, 01:07:14

STFG - search the fucking google !2!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 04. 2007, 01:06:38

ještě překlady no to mi ho teda vyndej !2!


Matysek_____K | 13. 04. 2007, 01:05:48 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

ty seš teda chytrej!617!!904!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 04. 2007, 01:04:30

tak z toho používám asi tři.. zbytek mi je k ničemu:D

uživatel eliminován | 13. 04. 2007, 01:03:11

jsem ani nevedela ze jich je tolik...!439!

uživatel eliminován | 13. 04. 2007, 01:01:55

jeste jsi tam mohl dat preklady.)

uživatel eliminován | 13. 04. 2007, 01:00:58

hej tak tohle jsem potrebovala!!! si to vytisknu protoze v hovoru s vrstevniky nerozumim polovinu toho co se mi snazi rict

uživatel eliminován | 13. 04. 2007, 00:52:56



Ivetka76 | 13. 04. 2007, 00:44:48 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

jsi šikovný !11!


Ivetka76 | 13. 04. 2007, 00:44:46 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

jsi šikovný !11!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:33:48

DjNone - ještě lepší !2!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:33:34

klitoris dobrý !2!


DjNone | 12. 04. 2007, 21:32:55 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

s_class > BFG = Big Fucking Gun

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:30:32


uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:30:21

co je to BFG ?


DjNone | 12. 04. 2007, 21:28:48 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

Chybí mi tam BFG !12!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:25:01


uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:22:45

jéééééééééééééééžiš !2!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:22:16

a jeste to preloz

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:03:45

no jo to už by bylo moc!27!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:03:23

je to sice hezky,ze je to vypsany,ale treba mi tam chybi i cesky preklad!1341! ale neci byt puntickar!1358!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:02:28


uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 21:00:10

no jo to už by bylo moc !27!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:59:35

je to sice hezky,ze je to vypsany,ale treba mi tam chybi i cesky preklad!1341! ale neci byt puntickar!1358!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:59:09

je to sice hezky,ze je to vypsany,ale treba mi tam chybi i cesky preklad!1341! ale neci byt puntickar!1358!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:52:31

vidíš, můžeš se poučit !1!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:51:35

tak znam asi tak 3...

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:39:26


uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:39:23

YAC_ste sileny...!1082!

uživatel eliminován | 12. 04. 2007, 20:38:39

ty si málo blázen !1326!

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